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Meet Yourself Exactly Where You Are
In discussing what I do outside my classes, I often heard people tell me they need to lose weight or get in shape before attempting a...
Spring Season Considerations
In Ayurveda, Spring season is ruled by Kapha (water + Earth dominant characteristics). There are still plenty of viruses circulating from...
Spring Equinox 2023
“Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.” -Rumi Balance as Dynamic Today (3/20/23) day and night are equidistant, the same in...
Seasonal Yoga and Ayurveda 2023
Why Seasonal Yoga? This honors and keeps with the rhythms of the Earth and basic principles of wellness—such as, going to bed at night...

Why We Practice Yoga
Over the last 4 days, I had the pleasure of studying prenatal yoga with a wonderful teacher and mentor, Stacy Wooster at Beauty Blossom...
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