In-Person iRest yoga nidra meditation
50 min.
Class Description
I offer 1:1 or small group Yoga Nidra sessions. Yoga Nidra is a very useful and often profound meditation practice that can help foster rejuvenation, mental and emotional fortitude and physical well being, by relaxing the nervous system. Yoga Nidra or "yogic sleep" is a type of meditation usually performed lying down. A person is not asleep in Yoga Nidra but in an easeful, restful state. This method of meditation targets each layer (known as koshas) of a persons beIng- such as the physical form, breath energy, the mind, the emotional self, sense organs and the deeper layers of the subtle body. Depending on what a person needs or wishes to address, Yoga Nidra can help a person gain mental clarity, simply feel better and process things like difficult emotions, restlessness, self-doubt and connect with an internal mechanism of safety. In many cases, Yoga Nidra provides full and complete relaxation targeted at each and every part of the body and enables an individual to find a deeper state of restoration through fully engaging the parasympathetic nervous system. irest or "integrative restoration" is a specific form of Yoga Nidra created by Dr. Richard Miller. It is guided meditation that is more specific, methodical and often addresses particular mental-emotional difficulties. irest has a few subtle and notable differences from traditional Yoga Nidra. irest may be given in a series of progressive sessions to work on a specific issue (ie: insomnia or processing grief, situational anxiety, post-trauma stress, etc.) As I have training and experience in both Yoga Nidra and irest, I work with clients to use the method best suited to them and tailor their sessions appropriately. In additional to Yoga Nidra, I also teach seated mindfulness meditation.
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