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Spring Equinox 2023

“Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.” -Rumi

Balance as Dynamic Today (3/20/23) day and night are equidistant, the same in length. We pass this point twice a year (Spring and Fall). Cosmically, we are in a useful time for Spring cleaning and doing activities mentally, physically and emotionally that will bring balance. It’s also a good time to explore what brought you balance in the past may not longer serve you. Balance is dynamic and it’s never a fixed point. In our lives, bodies, breath, thoughts, emotions, nature... balance is occurring constantly. Consider the following quote: “It is a cosmic principle that we either suffer in imbalance or act to create balance. Though we may be habituated to the discomforts of imbalance, and even perceive it as balance, we cannot grow in such a state. Growth is progress, and progress is the soul’s purpose. By shining the light of yoga on the imbalances that we keep veiled in darkness, we illuminate the road to the inner realms as well, and as bal-anced beings, we progress on the path to our soul.” -Aadil Palkhivala

Happy Equinox & the ongoing pursuit of balance!

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